Naked Chainsaw Tattoo!
Well here’s something pretty cool.
The first Corporate Skull tattoo turned up over the weekend, a FANTASTIC ‘Naked Chainsaw’ pic on the lovely Scottie’s leg courtesy of the very talented Jason at Dark Angel Tattoos. Gotta say it’s always a massive honour to see your art on someone’s flesh (especially so soon after Skull started!), thank you Scottie and Jason!
Hey thanks all for the REALLY kind comments and emails about Skull, it’s such a buzz to see people are enjoying it (when you set things up on the web you have NO idea if anyone’s gonna be bothered about it, it can be such a case of random luck sometimes). Sorry to say, after yesterday’s blood-fest, there’s no more blood planned for the rest of the issue, we’re back to storyline and cold hard groin-punching i’m afraid. But it will return, in style. Along with other fluids.
Thanks again! We’re updating about once a week (usually mondays), except for today’s incidental page obvs.
It looks awesome !! And how sexy is that leg ?!
thanks again matey for all the help with it too .
I love rdeaing these articles because they’re short but informative.
I haz tattoo jelousy now
Much awesomeness
so cute!!!
ahhh… brb tatto-ing
how very beautiful tattoo art you show
wow amazing tattoo and very cool…
that is great tattoo
Nice tattoo dude
love it!
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