ohemgeez Jamie,i swear this jst getz more awesome by the minute & did i tell u ,u’re a subliminal genious,i meant it! UR AWESOM!!!! who woulda gessd the curb logo had any real significance……xcept lookin’ real ooky….& who woulda gessd old watshisfur wuznt actually down 4 tha count….ok i hav 2 b honest…i sorta did see that comin’…jst nt so soon at least,anyway still loooooooooooooooovin it!!!
Curb logo = 8.
Who would of thunk it!?
I woulda thunk it!
Permission to look smug, sir?
Ha I must admit when I saw your comment on that page I thought ‘GAH. someone got it already’
However, I would say, it’s not quite that simple. Keep reading 🙂
Uh Oh. Here it comes.
Poor dug being left at home, alone….
Well played, sir…
Awwwww there it goes!
did tall, dark and fuzzy wake up in the last frame or am i just putting way too much significance on one picture??
So who else would seriously buy some Curb hats? 😀
No, he’s definitely woken up. Compare to panel 5 and you’ll see that skull is about to be in serious trouble.
The best kind of trouble!
ohemgeez Jamie,i swear this jst getz more awesome by the minute & did i tell u ,u’re a subliminal genious,i meant it! UR AWESOM!!!! who woulda gessd the curb logo had any real significance……xcept lookin’ real ooky….& who woulda gessd old watshisfur wuznt actually down 4 tha count….ok i hav 2 b honest…i sorta did see that comin’…jst nt so soon at least,anyway still loooooooooooooooovin it!!!