Uh oh… complications are never good. Do they all turn into gigantic furry monsters? Or live on no matter the damage to the body… maybe even if they got their face ripped of perhaps? ;P
Rule No. 1 of reading Corporate Skull: if a line of dialogue is set up to lead to an obvious and logical conclusion regarding previously observed events, it should be assumed to be a bait-and-switch until proven otherwise.
So I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that they manufactured it in face cream form but it turned out it could only preserve one’s exterior while their interior slowly rotted, driving them to consume other humans to satisfy their vanity.
So I’m going to go straight up and guess something. The reason that Skull survived the photocopier incident and is generally a super-human is because Curb were putting this Axitrophious 7 in their various drugs and vitamins. Early in the story, Alan Buttons tried to kill himself by over-dosing on vitamins. Coincidence?
Uh oh… complications are never good. Do they all turn into gigantic furry monsters? Or live on no matter the damage to the body… maybe even if they got their face ripped of perhaps? ;P
Rule No. 1 of reading Corporate Skull: if a line of dialogue is set up to lead to an obvious and logical conclusion regarding previously observed events, it should be assumed to be a bait-and-switch until proven otherwise.
So I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that they manufactured it in face cream form but it turned out it could only preserve one’s exterior while their interior slowly rotted, driving them to consume other humans to satisfy their vanity.
So I’m going to go straight up and guess something. The reason that Skull survived the photocopier incident and is generally a super-human is because Curb were putting this Axitrophious 7 in their various drugs and vitamins. Early in the story, Alan Buttons tried to kill himself by over-dosing on vitamins. Coincidence?
… the T-Virus!? What did I tell you! Zombies! Quick, save the Twinkies!!!